We all get so much email. A ton. Like waves crashing on the shore, the email just keeps rolling in. But isn’t it such a great feeling when you know you can delete an email and forget it ever existed?

Well, rest assured you can delete the email titled “Intellectual Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Survey” sent by HCC (as mandated by the state), and consign it to the digital dustbin forever. And here’s why:

United Faculty of Florida (UFF) strongly advises against participating in this survey. For several critical reasons, it is seen as a violation of your rights while also being a scientifically dubious instrument. UFF recently sent out guidance to members on this survey to your personal email, but to summarize, the survey is problematic in the following respects:

  1. Privacy and Autonomy
  2. Survey Integrity and Relevance
  3. Potential for Discrimination
  4. Implications of Bias
  5. Surveillance Concerns
  6. Freedom of Speech
  7. Political Coercion

For more information, here is a PDF detailing UFF’s position and guidance regarding the “Viewpoint Discrimination” Survey. If you have any questions feel free to contact us or reach out to your campus FUSA council reps.

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